Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Ablestoke Review - Q1 2011

The Ablestoke Review

More clients choose Ablestoke Consulting
Ablestoke have achieved the most successful start to a year with a record number of new clients in January, February & March, with over 130 new clients starting their financial planning with our help so far this year!

New recruits join Ablestoke Consulting
Ablestoke have now welcomed on board 8 new trainees consultants in 2011 and we wish them all the best of success
Of the new starters, one has already passed her first professional exam and attained her license to give level 1 financial advice

Promotions in February

Barry Gardner
Barry who joined in October 2009 has now been promoted to Senior Consultant with Ablestoke Consulting. Barry who had previously been a pension benefits consultant at Mercers, joined looking for more career development, and after becoming a fully certified adviser in just over 1 year is now looking to move forward to achieve the financial diploma.  

                        Simran Gill
Simran who joined Ablestoke Consulting in September 2008 has achieved the level of Associate. Simran is a fully certified financial adviser and looks after over 75 private clients as well as providing advice to thousands of people throughout the country through our work with employee assistance provider Work Place Options

       Jason Yau
To top February’s promotion list Jason has been invited to become a partner in Ablestoke Consulting. Jason has worked with us since 2006, has built a loyal client bank of over 100 personal clients and having become a certified financial adviser is studying towards the financial diploma.
Jason has recently become engaged and is been enrolled as a manager at Ablestoke - congratulations Jason

 For more information visit: Ablestoke Consulting website
For the our blog visit: Ablestoke blog
For client reviews visit: Clients review ablestoke