Monday 22 August 2011

Ablestoke Consulting Review - June

June saw a further 25 people become clients of Ablestoke Consulting and among those clients  - a great result for a quiet month

Pension Compulsion Seminar

June saw the very succesful Pension Compulsion Seminars held at our Clerkenwell Offices

In conjunction with our corporate benefits advisers Q&A People Matter and Chantrey Vellacott Chartered Accountants we hosted 3 semninars on the most important and dramatic Pension legislation that will come into force shortly affecting all employees and employers.

Our many thanks to the business owners, accountants, financial directors and HR managers who attended, and of course our special thanks to Steve Bee of Top Gear fame - Pensions Guru and authority on legislation change, who provided the information on Auto Enrolment for our guests

Meet the Athletes

We also announced the chance for people to come and meet some of our Olympic Athlete clients and to support them through sponsorship.

This event will take place at our Clerkenwell offices on 8th September

Finally we sent 15 of our consultants to Alton Towers for the day - why? well why not? they had performed really well!

They seemed to enjoy it?!