Monday 3 October 2011

Ablestoke Consulting Review - July

Welcome to the Ablestoke Consulting review of what happened for us and our clients in July 2011

In July the Ablestoke Consulting Team welcomed 2  new recruits
Welcome to:
Shae Maclean
Shae, a native of Australia, has joined the Ablestoke Consulting Team as a trainee financial adviser.  Shae, 35, is a graduate of La Trobe University  Melbourne, in Sociology and Neuroscience. Prior to joining Shae was a property manager for Social Housing. Shae’s main hobby is softball where she is both a coach and an umpire.
Arun Jothinah
Arun, 23, a Londoner who graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Economics & Modern History, worked in Investment banking in Los Angeles before joining Ablestoke and is a huge Manchester United fan (we can’t all be perfect!)
We wish you both every success with your career  
Ablestoke Client News
July saw 34 new clients decide to join up with Ablestoke’s Financial planning service to receive regular financial reviews – a warm welcome to each and everyone

In an update on our sporting clients – June saw Ablestoke Client Peter Whiteford play in the 140th Open Championship Royal St Georges. The Ablestoke Team were there on the Friday (which was fortunately the only sunny day) to support Peter who eventually just missed the cut.
Our congratulations from everyone at Ablestoke to Peter for achieving qualification to the world’s greatest golfing tournament and to Darren Clarke a proud and deserving winner 
For more information visit the Ablestoke Consulting website

Monday 22 August 2011

Ablestoke Consulting Review - June

June saw a further 25 people become clients of Ablestoke Consulting and among those clients  - a great result for a quiet month

Pension Compulsion Seminar

June saw the very succesful Pension Compulsion Seminars held at our Clerkenwell Offices

In conjunction with our corporate benefits advisers Q&A People Matter and Chantrey Vellacott Chartered Accountants we hosted 3 semninars on the most important and dramatic Pension legislation that will come into force shortly affecting all employees and employers.

Our many thanks to the business owners, accountants, financial directors and HR managers who attended, and of course our special thanks to Steve Bee of Top Gear fame - Pensions Guru and authority on legislation change, who provided the information on Auto Enrolment for our guests

Meet the Athletes

We also announced the chance for people to come and meet some of our Olympic Athlete clients and to support them through sponsorship.

This event will take place at our Clerkenwell offices on 8th September

Finally we sent 15 of our consultants to Alton Towers for the day - why? well why not? they had performed really well!

They seemed to enjoy it?!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Ablestoke Consulting Review - May

May was another impressive month for Ablestoke Consulting

Review of May  - Clients choose Ablestoke Consulting 

32 new people decided to become clients of Ablestoke Consulting and we received yet more testimonials and recommendations from happy clients Client's Review the Ablestoke Consulting Service

Ablestoke Client News and reviews

April saw some great success for Ablestoke clients, most notably was the performance of Ablestoke Consulting sponsored golfer Peter Whiteford who came 7th in the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth, cheered on by Ablestoke Consulting members, clients and guests

This fantastic result for Peter means he is surging up the race to Dubai rankings on the European Tour

Ablestoke Consulting Charity

Ablestoke Consulting are working with the Charity City Gateway who help disadvantaged young people and women in the East London Area providing training and workplacements.

In May Priyesh Patel, a partner and financial adviser at Ablestoke Consulting presented a session at City Gateway's Main offices in Heron Quays, London Docklands  to over 15 young people. The session was aimed at inspiring them and showing them how they can have succesful careers in the city.

Ablestoke Consulting - Qualifications in May

Congratulations to Ed Shardlow who as well as coaching a team of yourng advisers continues to pass exams and has gained R02 - Investment principles & Risk

Ablestoke Consulting - Promotions in May

Matthew Harker

Congratulations to Matthew Harker who has been promoted to Senior Consultant.
Matthew is a product design graduate from Buckinghamshire University who began his career as a stone mason before joined Ablestoke Consulting as a trainee in June 2009. Matthew has progressed steadily and now looks after over 40 clients. Matthew is one of our most poular which is evidenced by the number of clients who send in their testimonials and praise for the care he has taken over their affairs, which are posted on our website: Clients Recommend Ablestoke Consulting

Thursday 12 May 2011

Ablestoke Consulting Review - April

The 2nd Quarter of 2011 began as the 1st ended - very impressively!!

Ablestoke Consulting had two clients win Gold medals for Great Britain in April:

Ben Quilter won the Gold Medal in Judo for the visually impaired at the World Games in Turkey and Paul Goodison won the Gold at the Sailing World Cup in Mallorca - To read more visit the Ablestoke Blog

Back home at Ablestoke we didn't quite win gold medals but the performance was none the less impressive with another 54 people deciding to become clients during April

Promotions in April

Eilidh Glynn

Congratulations to Eilidh who was promoted to consultant.

Eilidh joined us from Lloyds TSB in January this year, plays the cello and is a graduate in Philosophy from the University of Dundee.

Having already gained her 2nd professional qualification, she has already impressed enough to be awarded her first promotion.

Michael Frimpong

Congartulations to Michael who gained his first promotion in November last year, has continued to excel. Michaels ability to encourage people to save rather than spend has been recognised and he has now been promoted to Senior Consultant

Ed Shardlow

Congratulations to Ed who is a founding member of Ablestoke having worked with us for the last 7 years. Having become a certified adviser in the early 2000's, Ed has now acheived the Diploma in Financial Services and is now moving towards becoming chartered. Ed looks after a large group of clients and also manages one of Ablestoke's emerging young teams.

For his excellent work in management Ed has been promoted to Unit Manager

Qualifications in April

Well done to Eilidh Glynn who has passed R05 the certificate in protection and insurance advice

Well done to Adam Orban who joined Ablestoke in March this year and has already passed his certificate in financial regulations


April also saw the Ablestoke staff quiz night which raised over £500 for our charity City Gateway - well done

For more information about our charity for 2011 and the wonderful work they do click here: City Gateway

For more information about Ablestoke Consulting visit Our website

For financial news visit Our Blog

For Client testimonials visit Clients review Ablestoke

Thursday 14 April 2011

The Ablestoke Review - March 2011

The Ablestoke Review - 2011

Events in March

Ski Trip

The Ablestoke annual Ski trip for 2011 was to Chamonix. This year there were 10 people from across the company and the snow was fantastic as was the après ski!!


Ablestoke held the first charity quiz night for our 2011 charity City Gateway. Around 60 clients attended the quiz in our Clerkenwell offices and whilst having a fun night managed to raise over £1000 for charity – well done everyone!

Promotions in March
John Kelly
John joined Ablestoke consulting in December 2010 and has been promoted to consultant within 3 months!
John, who is 22, is a graduate of finance & business from Lincoln University. John also found time to pass his first professional qualification and also completed a half marathon for charity last month

Duncan Morris
Duncan joined Ablestoke Consulting in June 2009 has now achieved the promotion of Executive Consultant, looking after over 60 private clients

So ends the most succesful quarter in Ablestoke history - "Onwards..."

For more information visit Ablestoke Consulting website
To visit our blog: Ablestoke Blog
To read Ablestoke reviews from clients visit: Ablestoke Client Reviews

Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Ablestoke Review - Q1 2011

The Ablestoke Review

More clients choose Ablestoke Consulting
Ablestoke have achieved the most successful start to a year with a record number of new clients in January, February & March, with over 130 new clients starting their financial planning with our help so far this year!

New recruits join Ablestoke Consulting
Ablestoke have now welcomed on board 8 new trainees consultants in 2011 and we wish them all the best of success
Of the new starters, one has already passed her first professional exam and attained her license to give level 1 financial advice

Promotions in February

Barry Gardner
Barry who joined in October 2009 has now been promoted to Senior Consultant with Ablestoke Consulting. Barry who had previously been a pension benefits consultant at Mercers, joined looking for more career development, and after becoming a fully certified adviser in just over 1 year is now looking to move forward to achieve the financial diploma.  

                        Simran Gill
Simran who joined Ablestoke Consulting in September 2008 has achieved the level of Associate. Simran is a fully certified financial adviser and looks after over 75 private clients as well as providing advice to thousands of people throughout the country through our work with employee assistance provider Work Place Options

       Jason Yau
To top February’s promotion list Jason has been invited to become a partner in Ablestoke Consulting. Jason has worked with us since 2006, has built a loyal client bank of over 100 personal clients and having become a certified financial adviser is studying towards the financial diploma.
Jason has recently become engaged and is been enrolled as a manager at Ablestoke - congratulations Jason

 For more information visit: Ablestoke Consulting website
For the our blog visit: Ablestoke blog
For client reviews visit: Clients review ablestoke 

Monday 21 February 2011

Goodbye 2010 & Hello 2011

Goodbye 2010 & Hello 2011

No sooner had we waived goodbye to 2010, 2011 started with a bang!

The year began by awarding Top performers over 2010

The Award winners for 2010 were

  • Top Individual client adviser - Owen Cook
Congratulations to Owen who scoops this award for the 3rd year in a row!

  • Top Manager - Anthony O'Toole
 Congratulations to Anthony winner in 2009 & 2010

  •  Top New Client Aquisition - Domenico Sbicca
    Congratulations to Dom who excelled in getting new clients to begin saving money for their future

  • Best Business Quality - Owen Cook   
    In his second award Owen proved that he is not only exceptional in advising clients, but his advice is of the highest quality

Well done to all of those acheivers in 2010

2011 - Top performance in January

The year started strongly with Ablestoke Consulting posting a January record with the largest number of client recommendations ever - meaning more clients have started saving for the future

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Whats New in December at Ablestoke Consulting

More Top performance by Ablestoke Consulting in December

  Well Done To:


  • Matthew Smith - Matthew joined Ablestoke Consulting in August has a degree in Business & Financial Services from Nottingham Trent University. His hard work, dedication and professional manner has resulted in him attracting over 50 private clients and he has now been promoted for the 3rd time in under 18 months to Executive Consultant in Ablestoke Consulting. Matthew also became a father in 2010 - so double congratulations!

  • Tom Diaper - Tom joined Ablestoke Consulting in January in 2008 and has proven to be a very diligent and professional financial adviser. Tom's technical prowess has seen him gain the Diploma in Financial planning and we look forward to Tom progressing towards the highly coveted Chartered status in due course - well done Tom

For more Ablestoke Consulting information visit: Ablestoke Consulting website